(Shhh, It’s a Secret!) Vulnerability: Grief’s Unexpected Gift

Grief can feel like a storm tearing through our lives, uprooting everything familiar and leaving us feeling exposed and raw. Sharing your pain might seem senseless – a vulnerability that could shatter the fragile pieces we’ve held together. But I want to tell you, in that very vulnerability lies an unexpected strength. 

Imagine a broken vase. It’s easy to see the cracks as flaws, weaknesses that ruin its beauty. But a skilled artist can fill those cracks with gold, mend them with vibrant colors, transforming the brokenness into something even more stunning than the original. 

Your grief is like those cracks, my friends. It may feel like a weakness right now, but within it lies the potential for profound beauty and strength. When you share your pain, you open yourself up to the gold of empathy, the vibrant colors of understanding and compassion. You connect with others who have walked similar paths, forging bonds that remind you that you’re not alone in this storm. 

Vulnerability isn’t about weakness; it’s about courage. It’s about choosing connection over isolation and about trusting the power of shared humanity to heal and uplift. It’s about allowing others to see your cracks and fill them with their light. 

So, yes, grieve openly. Let your tears fall like cleansing rain. Share your stories, whisper your fears, and feel the comfort of someone holding your hand. In that vulnerability, you’ll find the strength you never knew you had, a resilience born from the very depths of your pain. 

Remember, you are not alone in this storm. There are hands outstretched, ready to help mend the cracks and celebrate the beauty that emerges. Lean into the light, my friends, and let it guide you through the darkness. 

P.S. If you’re feeling lost, remember there are resources available to help you navigate your grief journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend, therapist or grief coach such as myself. You deserve to be seen and heard in the midst of your pain. Feel free to visit my website nakeshaatkins.com if you have additional support needs.

Did you know? đŸ¤”

Too many times we are overwhelmed and frustrated with life because we’re trying to figure it all out on our own. Why do we do this???

Jesus was literally our role model for everything we would ever go through in life. He showed us how to love God and treat others (that includes everybody in the world), He experienced every emotion and situations such as grief, betrayal, friendships, etc.

If you want to know how to handle a person or a situation just pick up your Bible or open the Bible app and read what Jesus did.

Remember we are made in His image and He’s given us His spirit to defeat anything.

Stop relying on your limited knowledge and let the all-knowing God lead you into victory. I promise you’ll find the peace that passeth all understanding.

This will bless who God intends to read it. 🙌🏾

Your mental health matters!

”Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.“
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

My timeline is filled with people who are grieving. Grief is a very painful & confusing process that we can’t run or hide from but must go through.

Although it’s a personal journey, it’s not something you have to go through alone. The support of a grief coach and/or therapist can be very helpful to your healing because we provide insight and resources on the grief process that will help you learn how to grow through the emotional pain while honoring the memory of your loved one.

I strongly encourage you to seek support if you’re grieving because grief is a lifelong process but it doesn’t have to dictate your life. Please know that your emotional and mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Your healing is your responsibility. Don’t delay it.

Feel free to message me with your questions.

Coping tips for Holiday grief


This month’s newsletter is a continuation of tips on how to cope with grief during the holidays. Christmas for most people includes family, food and fun. This holiday can carry a lot of memories with you and your loved one which can make this season more difficult. I want to encourage you to implement some of these tips to help ease the burden this year. It will not be easy but you will get through it! I’m living proof of that!

Here you go, friends! I pray this newsletter helps you cope with your grief during the holidays.

Join my online community for coping tips and so much more https://mailchi.mp/7716a28bdd01/thank-you

Laughter is good for the soul

If you’re grieving, I know this time of year might have more triggering moments than usual, but I encourage you to seek happy moments as much as possible. Don’t feel guilty about it instead bask in it. Do something today that puts a smile on your face or makes you laugh.

Here are a few suggestions.

Watch your favorite comedic tv show or movie

Talk to that funny for no reason friend or family member lol

Scroll the nonsense that is social media. You will for sure find a rabbit hole lol

Do whatever makes you happy.

I don’t suggest anything to you without also doing it. Watching comedy movies and tv shows are my go to when I’m feeling sad. I can never go wrong with my favorite TV show….Martin 😂

I hope this post brightens your day ✨

Hope is here!!

You can’t get out of bed, you forget to eat, you forget to pay bills and you’ve isolated yourself from family and friends.

This is grief. This is loss. I know because this was me when I lost 5 of my closest loved ones (husband, grandparents, father in law & my mom) within a short period of time. I felt hopeless and in constant despair.  

I know you’re thinking that you don’t need grief support or nothing is going to help how you feel right now. I understand how you feel because I felt the exact same way as you until I found resources that helped pushed me forward in life. I want to share that information with you!

There’s an extremely big world out there that’s waiting for you to rejoin!

💎 Living a fun and fulfilled life is what everyone desires!

Here’s what you need. A compassionate and insightful guide that will help you navigate the wild ride of grief.

📗In this FREE 44 page book, I teach you how to feel your emotions, even the tough ones, without getting overwhelmed and how to move forward in life while honoring your loved one’s memory.

🤳🏾Type HOPE in the comments and I will get it to you!

You’re not alone in Grief â¤ď¸

Losing someone we love is one of the most difficult experiences we can face. The pain, the confusion, the overwhelming emotions – it can feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your own.

But I want you to know: you’re not alone.

There are countless others including myself who have walked this path of grief, and there are resources and support systems available to help you navigate your journey.

That’s why I’ve created a grief support email community. It’s a space where you can connect with others who understand what you’re going through, share your experiences, and find comfort and strength in community.

Whether you’re just beginning your grief journey or further along the path, I invite you to join us. https://mailchi.mp/7716a28bdd01/thank-you

Here’s what you can expect:

Weekly emails with insights, resources, and reflections on grief and loss.

A safe and supportive community where you can share your story and connect with others who understand.

First access to products such as books, merchandise and a grief coaching program.

If you’re feeling lost and alone in your grief, please know that there is hope and there is help.

Let’s heal together ✨

Remembering Those We Love: A Reflection on National Grief Awareness Week

Today marks the end of National Grief Awareness Week, but the love for those we’ve lost never fades. This reel is a tribute to my cherished loved ones who have passed on, a reminder of the beautiful lives they led and the lasting impact they have left on my heart.

Although grief can be a heavy burden, it also carries the power to connect us to something greater than ourselves. This week served as a powerful reminder of the importance of sharing our stories, seeking support, and honoring the memories of those we hold dear.

As we move forward, let us carry their love within us, allowing it to be a source of strength and comfort. May we continue to find healing in the memories we share, and may their legacies continue to inspire us each and every day.

Honoring National Grief Awareness Week

Life Without Mom: A Journey of Grief and Resilience

My mom passed away 1 month after receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer for the third time. Yes you read it correctly. My mom had breast cancer three times. I like to say she beat it all three times and gained the ultimate victory the last time.

Have you ever heard of anticipatory grief? It is feelings of grief or loss that are felt before the loss actually happens. I experienced this when my mom became ill but I didn’t know the correct term. I sobbed uncontrollably and had panic attacks every night I returned home from visiting her in the hospital. Although I held onto my faith, I could visibly see the decline in her health day by day.

Losing a parent isn’t like losing a limb. It cracks the foundation we stand upon. It’s like the earth beneath your feet suddenly cracks open, swallowing the very foundation you built your life upon.

The cracks in your foundation don’t have to be a weakness. Fill them with the memories you hold dear. Let them be the spaces where sunlight filters in, nurturing the seeds of your own growth. Let God carry you through your darkness with the love and comfort He promised us.

Each week, I share pieces of my personal grief story along with motivational tips with my email community. I would like to invite you to join by clicking this link https://mailchi.mp/7716a28bdd01/thank-you