Life Without Mom: A Journey of Grief and Resilience

My mom passed away 1 month after receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer for the third time. Yes you read it correctly. My mom had breast cancer three times. I like to say she beat it all three times and gained the ultimate victory the last time.

Have you ever heard of anticipatory grief? It is feelings of grief or loss that are felt before the loss actually happens. I experienced this when my mom became ill but I didn’t know the correct term. I sobbed uncontrollably and had panic attacks every night I returned home from visiting her in the hospital. Although I held onto my faith, I could visibly see the decline in her health day by day.

Losing a parent isn’t like losing a limb. It cracks the foundation we stand upon. It’s like the earth beneath your feet suddenly cracks open, swallowing the very foundation you built your life upon.

The cracks in your foundation don’t have to be a weakness. Fill them with the memories you hold dear. Let them be the spaces where sunlight filters in, nurturing the seeds of your own growth. Let God carry you through your darkness with the love and comfort He promised us.

Each week, I share pieces of my personal grief story along with motivational tips with my email community. I would like to invite you to join by clicking this link

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